
2011 "Monitoreo regional de la biodiversidad". Coloquio Internacional. Los grandes retos científicos ante el cambio ambiental global. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Noviembre.

2011 "La biodiversidad y la tecnología en México" 1er Congreso Internacional Retos de la Integración de las Tecnologías en México. Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas, México. Octubre.

2011 "La biodiversidad en México". Festival Internacional de la Imagen (FINI). Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH), Pachuca, Hidalgo. Junio.

2011 "La riqueza natural de México". Asociación Franco-Mexicaine de la Touraine (AFMT). Tours, Francia. Septiembre

2011. "Ecosistemas del territorio mexicano y sus habitantes." Ciclo de Conferencias Biodiversidad Mexicana. Museo Etnológico de Barcelona, España. Septiembre.

2008 “La formación de los Ecologos en Latinoamérica. Instituto de Ecología, Xalapa, Veracruz.

2008 “Diagnóstico del corridor migratorio de la Mariposa Monarca“. Quinto Foro Regional Mariposa Monarca, Toluca, Estado de México.

2007 “Conservation of Monarch Butterfly Hibernation Forests” Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). Meeting Morelia, México.

2006 “Facts, trends and outlook of Monarch Butterlfy Conservation”. Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). Meeting Morelia, México.

2005 “Monarch Butterfly Conservation” Fish and Wildlife Service, Pórtland Oregon

2005 “Consideraciones espaciales en el Manejo de Fauna Silvestre. Primer Simposio del Jaguar en México. Cuernavaca, Morelos.

2003 “Community Protected Areas in Oaxaca, Mexico” World Congress on Protected Areas, Durban, South Africa 8-14 September

2003 “Conservation of pacific dry forests in Mexico: from site conservation to national policies” International Conference on Tropical Savannas and Seasonally Dry Forests: Ecology, Environment and Development, 14-20 September, Edinburgh

2002 “Capacity Building in Conservation Biology: A learning experience. Center for Environmental Research and Conservation (CERC) (Columbia University, Wildlife Conservation Society, American Museum of Natural History, New York Botanical Garden). Environmental Leaders Forum. New York.

2001 “The `esign of sustainable landscapes”. Mesoamerican Biological Corridor Workshop. Mesoamerican Society for Biology and Conservation V Congress. San Salvador, El Salvador, October 15-19

2000 “Landscape ecology and the design of protected areas”. Universidad Nacional de Panamá, Colón.

2000 “Mapping fine-scale tropical vegetation associations with field surveys, LANDSAT, and topography in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Mexico” Weiss, S. C. Galindo-Leal, and E. Martinez. 4th International Conference on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling. Banff, Canada

2000 “Bioregional assessments and the conservation of Biological Diversity” Institute of Ecology and Systematics, Havana, Cuba

2000 “Bioregional assessments and the conservation of Biological Diversity” Universidad de Pinar del Rio, Pinar del Rio, Cuba

1999 “Reserve design: correcting the consequences of a congenital illness”. III Mesoamerican Society for Conservation and Biology. Guatemala, Guatemala.

1998 “The challenges of Conservation Biology in Latin America”. IV Latin American Congress of Ecology. Arequipa, Peru. 66-69.

1998 “Protected area design in Madagascar and Mexico”. Society for Conservation Biology. Sydney, Australia.

1998 “The ecological bases of sustainable development”. Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Campeche, Mexico.

1997 “Subsistence hunting by three ethnic groups in southern Campeche, Mexico”. Seventh International Theriological Congress, Acapulco, Mexico.

1997 “Reserve Design: the congenital illness of Calakmul”. III National Congress on Mexican Protected Areas. Tuxtla Cuiterrez, Chiapas, Mexico<+o:p>

1997 “The Biodiversity Crisis” California International Studies Project. Asilomar, California.

1996 “The Tropical Research Program of the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford Univerisity. Long Term Ecological Research Sites International Network. Panama-Costa Rica
1996 “Calakmul Biosphere Reserve and Sustainable development” Environmental Law, Faculty of Law University of Campeche, Campeche, México.
1996 “Conservation and Geographical Information Systems” Workshop on Geographic Regionalization of Calakmul”, University of Campeche, Campeche, México.

1996 “The Tropical Research Program of the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford University: perspective for Sonora and for University of Sonora” (3 talks). Regional Meeting on use of wild flkra of northwestern México, Centro Ecológico de Sonora, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, México.

1996 “Environmental Legislation in México”. Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente. (PROFEPA) Cd. de México, México.

1995 "New concepts in Conservation Biology ". Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Toluca, México.

1994 "Transformed landscape patterns: cutting edge research". School of Resource and Environmental Management. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada

1994 "From population ecology to landscape ecology and back". Centre for Conservation Biology, Stanford University, California, U.S.A.

8br /> 1994 "History, needs and perspectives of deer research and conservation in Mexico". with M. Weber. Third International Congress on the Biology of Deer, Edinburgh Scotland.

1994 "Reproductive biology of white-tailed deer in Durango, Mexico". with M. Weber, P. Rosas, A. Morales. Third International Congress on the Biology of Deer, Edinburgh Scotland.

1994 "Edge effects on bird communities of montane spruce forests". 4th Annual General Meeting B.C. Field Ornithologists. University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, B.C., Canada

1993 "Biological indicators in Canadian Forests Workshop”. Forestry Canada, Sault Saint Marie, Ontario, Canada

1993 "Wildlife and vegetation responses to landscape patterns in managed and protected forests of the Rocky Mountains". with P. Vernier, and F. Bunnell. Western State and Provinces Watchable Wildlife and Nongame  Symposium. Royal B.C. Museum. Victoria B.C. Canada P.20

1993 "From wildlife management to conservation biology: a Canadian perspective. International Wildlife Management Symposium. San Jose, Costa Rica.

1993 "Spatial and temporal consequences of managed landscapes on biodiversity adjacent to protected areas". Poster. International Wildlife Management Symposium. San Jose, Costa Rica.

1993 "Patterns of small mammal communities in riparian habitats of wet coniferous forests". Symposium on riparian habitats. Kamloops, B.C., Canada.

1992 "Habitat dependejcy groups and conservation". Wildlife Group. Faculty of Forestry. U.B.C. Vancouver, Canada

1991 "Sex differences and consequences in the rock mouse". Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Canada

1990 "Adaptive management of Coues white-tailed deer in Durango, Mexico: is the combined production of deer and cattle feasible?" with M. Weber and A. Morales. Second International Symposium on The Biology of Deer. Mississippi State University, U.S.A.

1988 "Strategies for conservation: Biosphere Reserves." Centro de Bachilleres, Vicente Guerrero, Durango, México.

1988 "Problems in the design and management of Reserves: Michilia Biosphere Reserve, Durango". Course on Biosphere Reserves in México for teachers of Escuela Nacional de Estudios Profesionales. Instituto de Ecología A.C. México D.F.

1988 "Ecology and management of white)tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus couesi) on the Michilia Biosphere Reserve, Durango", Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana -Iztapalapa, México.

1988 "Deer population assessment on the western Sierra Madre". Centro de Ecología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México. 1988 "Competition among non-related taxa: is there evidence?". Instituto de Ecología A.C. México D.F.

1987 "Testing the assumption of the enumeration method for Peromyscus maniculatus" (Poster). International Symposium on Latin American Mammalogy. Cancun Quintana Roo. México.

1987 "Spatial distribution and abundance of white-tailed deer in the Western Sierra Madre". V Symposium. on Wildlife. U.N.A.M. México D.F. With Biol. A. Morales.

1987 "Some sampling problems in the estimation of deer populations". V Symposium on Wildlife. U.N.A.M. México D.F. With Biol. A. Morales.

1987 "Patterns in rodent communities in the Mexican Basin". (Poster). International Symposium on Latin American Mammalogy. Cancun Quintana Roo. México.

1987 "Demographic patterns of Peromyscus difficilis in Michilia Biosphere Reserve, Durango" International Symposium on Latin American Mammalogy. Cancun Quintana Roo. México.

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